Century Center II - 12th & 14th Floor Amenity
Arlington, Virginia
This iconic communicating stair becomes a central feature in this multi-floor amenity space within the new Century Center II tower at National Landing. The use of greenery is inspired by the upward movements of trees and plants to emphasize the connection between floors and vertical motion. Visually, this is further enhanced by vertical lighting with the ceiling accentuated by circular light fixtures that recall moving clouds.

Wood veneer accent walls at elevator lobby, building core, and conference room, bring warmth to the space and continue with the outdoors theme of the stair. Wood flooring is also introduced in some tenant suites as a unifying concept.
The 12thfloor amenity has a large conference room, pantry and two call rooms as well as a call/collaboration room. The 14th floor has lounge seating and two smaller conference rooms but no pantry and call rooms. This intentionally promotes the use of the stair and connection between both floors.